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The Top 30 Things To Do Before 30

Last Updated on February 26, 2024 | 0 Comments
Cake with Candles For 30th Birthday

Are you looking for a list of things to do before turning 30 years old? Turning 30 can feel daunting, but there’s no reason to stress out.  This is the perfect time to take on some new challenges and experiences and there are plenty of beneficial things that are worth accomplishing before you hit the three-decade mark. 

Turning 30 may not be the beginning of adulthood, but it does mark a significant transition point for many young adults. That’s why many people in their late twenties view turning 30 as a marker for completing a bucket list, so they can head into their thirties with plenty of confidence, life experiences and healthy habits. Doesn’t that sound more fun than freaking out over your age? It does to us! If you’re in need of some bucket list guidance, here’s a list of 30 things to do before 30. 


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Foodie Things to Do Before 30

cozymeal chef seasoning salad
via Cozymeal

1. Take a Cooking Class

Learning how to cook is the perfect thing to do before 30. Led by professional chefs, you can learn the techniques and flavors that go into some of your favorite dishes and cuisines. And the best part? You’ll soak up plenty of new skills and go-to recipes that you can utilize at home, making you more independent and more interesting. Check out the list of cooking classes near you and begin your journey to culinary independence. 

2. Indulge With a Private Chef Meal 

One lavish thing to do before you’re 30 is to treat yourself to a private chef meal. Sit back and relax as a gourmet private chef prepares a mouthwatering meal of your choosing. It’s the ultimate bucket list culinary experience that you definitely deserve, and you won’t even have to do any cleanup. If you’re looking to experience the peak of luxury as you enter your thirties, look at the private chefs near you and book your slot. 

3. Go on a Food Tour

Need a foodie bucket list item that’s as educational as it is delicious? Go on a guided food tour! Offering an optimal mix of famous landmarks and hidden gems, these food tours are led by experienced local guides who are ready to share their city with you. If you love food and history, a food tour is the perfect thing to do before 30. Check out food tours near you and see if any catch your eye. 

4. Try an Online Culinary Experience

Some of the best foodie things to do before 30 can happen right in the comfort of your own home. If you’re looking to expand your culinary world, there are plenty of online experiences that are taught by highly trained, gourmet chefs. Want to learn a new go-to recipe? Go with one of the many available online cooking classes. Looking to expand your wine knowledge before you hit 30? Check out the list of virtual wine tastings. Would you prefer to master your own signature cocktail or mocktail? Cheers from afar with online mixology classes. The options are endless! 

5. Try 30 New Foods

By your third decade, you likely have a solid foundation of what foods you like and what foods you don’t like. So one great thing to do before hitting 30 is to keep a running list of new foods that you try. This is a great way to expand your palate and immerse yourselves in different cultures and cuisines. And who knows? You might find a new favorite dish that you can carry with you into your later adult years. 

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Adventurous Things To Do Before 30

two skydivers freefalling
via Canva

6. Take a Camping Trip 

If “glamping” is more of your thing, we get it. But see if you can challenge yourself and do a bare bones camping trip! A perfect thing to do before turning 30, camping is a great way to experience the outdoors while learning and practicing valuable skills. Feel free to gather a group of close friends for your camping trip, or if you’re really feeling adventurous, tackle your camping adventure solo. Just make sure to research the best ways to prepare. 

7. Go Skydiving

The pinnacle of thrilling activities, skydiving is a great thing to do before you turn 30. Whether you’re scared of heights or just don’t like the idea of jumping out a plane (we get it), skydiving is a way to face your fears and head into your thirties with plenty of gusto and wind behind your back, literally. 

8. Embark on a Road Trip

If you haven’t gone on a road trip, heading out in your car, either alone or with a few friends, is a wonderful thing to do before you’re 30. Not only does a road trip allow you to explore your surroundings, it also helps you practice independence and problem-solving skills. Just make sure to pack plenty of snacks, curate your perfect playlist and don’t be afraid to make some impulsive twists to your schedule while on the road. 

9. Learn How To Surf

Who hasn’t dreamed of being an expert surfer? Learning to surf is a fun, active thing to do before turning 30. Surfing takes a lot of practice, but once you get the hang of it, it’s an excellent way to clear your mind while also getting physical exercise, two things that become increasingly important as you enter your thirties. 

10. Explore State and National Parks

Life can be busy as you embark on your thirties, so finding time to travel can become increasingly difficult. If you want a built-in travel itinerary, visiting nearby state and national parks is a fantastic thing to do before hitting 30 years old. See how many you can visit before you hit the 30 mark, and maintain that adventurous spirit into your thirties as best you can. 

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Things To Do Before 30 for Self Improvement

Silhouette of woman doing yoga at the beach
via Canva

11. Learn How To Practice Yoga

Yoga has countless benefits, including practicing patience and improving your physical flexibility, making yoga the perfect thing to do before turning 30. If you need help starting out, there are plenty of apps and websites that can help you kick off your yoga journey. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, any amount of consistent yoga will make a difference. 

12. See a Therapist

One essential thing to do before turning 30 is making sure you’re taking care of your mental health. One popular way to do this is to start seeing a therapist consistently. The stigma that once existed surrounding therapy is long gone, and even if you feel like your life is in order, meeting with a therapist is still an immensely mindful exercise. 

13. Treat Yourself to Something Nice

Economic responsibility is obviously important, but don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while. Whether it’s a fancy new bag or a meal at an expensive restaurant, you deserve to splurge on something occasionally. It’s also an exciting thing to do before turning 30, the decade when many people start having a family and budgeting. 

14.  Volunteer in the Community 

Volunteering has multiple benefits, and it’s a meaningful thing to do before you turn 30 years old. Not only does volunteering have tangible benefits to your community, but it’s also a social activity that will help you feel more engaged in the local area. Whether you’re volunteering at a soup kitchen or helping to pick up garbage around the neighborhood, donating your time will help you in more ways than you can imagine. 

15. Plan Weekly Hangouts With Friends

It’s not uncommon for social circles to shrink as people enter their thirties, as everyone’s lives get busier with work, family and general life events. Because of this, one essential thing to do before turning 30 is setting up weekly hangouts — in-person or virtual — with your core group of friends so that you can all age gracefully together. 

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New Hobbies and Helpful Things To Do Before Turning 30

Starting a journal is a great thing to do before turning 30
via Canva

16. Start a Random Collection 

It’s never too late to start collecting something, and starting a random collection is an exciting thing to do before you turn 30. Snow globes? Why not? Coins? Sure! Star Wars action figures? Perfect! Collecting things adds a fun layer to traveling, as you’ll always be on the lookout to expand your collection. It’s also a great way to track your adventures as you head into your thirties, and it will provide constant boosts of nostalgia as the years go by.

17. Grow a Garden

Whether you have a big backyard or a small windowsill, starting a home garden is a beneficial thing to do before turning 30. Gardening is a relaxing activity that will help maintain your stress levels and it teaches important lessons of responsibility and persistence. Plus, you can grow your own vegetables and herbs, which can help you save some money at the grocery store. 

18. Begin Writing in a Journal 

Kicking off your journaling habit is an amazing thing to do before turning 30. Whether you’re writing daily entries about your day, writing poetry or doodling pictures, maintaining a journal will help you stay connected with your inner thoughts and approach each day with purpose and enthusiasm. 

19. Read Plenty of Books

Establishing a reading habit is an awesome thing to do before turning 30. Set up a yearly or monthly reading goal and do your best to hit your mark. If you need help tracking your books or want to see what your friends are reading, websites like Goodreads can be helpful in establishing a consistent reading habit. 

20. Learn a New Language

It’s never too late to learn a new language, and it’s an excellent thing to do before hitting 30 years old. Not only will learning a new language help keep your mind sharp, but it can also help you professionally and can make it easier to travel as you head into your thirties. If you need help starting, apps like Duolingo make learning a new language easier than ever. 

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Things To Do Before 30 for Fitness Enthusiasts

Rock climbing encapsulates the spirit of things to do before you turn 30
via Canva

21. Run A Marathon

Half marathons work too! Whether you’re an expert runner or you’re looking to start out, signing up for a race is a great thing to do before turning 30 so that you can have a set-in-stone fitness goal to run towards. If you need some guidance, apps like Peloton offer training programs for a wide range of runs. 

22. Adopt a Healthier Diet

As you head into your thirties, learning how to start eating healthy becomes increasingly more important. So, one crucial thing to do before turning 30 is to start adopting a healthier diet. Everyone has room for better nutrition in their diet, and even making small changes, like not drinking fizzy drinks anymore, can have a large impact. 

23. Take Up a New Sport or Activity 

There are so many sports and activities out there, so one fun thing to do before hitting 30 is finding something new and making it a part of your life. Sports like pickleball and softball are popular sports for adults that are accessible via local leagues and clubs and they offer plenty of social benefits along with the exercise. 

24. Go Rock Climbing

Turning 30 can feel like the tip of the mountain, but we promise you there’s so much more to accomplish! Rock climbing is a challenging activity that’s a fun physical bucket list item to cross off before you turn 30. Explore your local climbing gym or take it outside with a guide and find out what you’re really capable of. 

25. Start a Daily Exercise Routine

Whether it’s taking a walk around the neighborhood, doing a spin class or joining an intramural sports league, finding a consistent exercise routine is an important thing to do before turning 30. Staying fit won’t be as easy as it was in your teens and twenties, but with a consistent workout regimen, you’ll have no problem maintaining your standards. 

Home Improvement Things To Do Before 30

Budgeting is a clever thing to do before you turn 30
via Canva

26. Get Rid of Clutter

Through your 20-plus years of life, you’ve undoubtedly acquired a lot of stuff. One helpful thing to do before turning 30 is to go through your items and throw out anything that isn't essential. You’ll be amazed by just how much unnecessary clutter you have lying around, and you’ll be happy to have the storage space as you enter your next stage of life. 

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27. Learn How To Fix Things

Learning how to fix your own appliances and possessions is a great way to save money as you continue into adulthood, making it an important thing to do before you turn 30. No one is expecting you to be a professional mechanic, but many things around your home can be fixed yourself, and all the instructions you need can usually be found online. That being said, don't hesitate to call your local plumber or electrician if you’re not sure how to fix it yourself, as dealing with plumbing or electrical can be dangerous if you don’t have the training. 

28. Start a Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a clean home will help you keep a positive mindset as you head into your third decade, so establishing a cleaning routine is an important thing to do before turning 30. Whether you live alone, with roommates or with a partner, creating and maintaining a cleaning schedule will help keep your home tidy and prepare you for the next chapter of your life. 

29. Create and Maintain a Budget

Head into your thirties with a solid foundation of economic responsibility by making sure that you adhere to a budget. A smart thing to do before turning 30, establishing a budget will help you live within your means and will set the stage for economic success moving forward. If you need help creating your budget, apps like You Need A Budget (YNAB) can help you start and track your spending. 

30. Simplify Your Wardrobe

As you near 30 years old, you should have a decent sense of your style, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get rid of some of your older clothes. For clothes that are still in good shape, consider donating them to charity. Many brands, including Marine Layer, even offer a trade-in program that gets you discounts for every old t-shirt you trade in. 

Turning 30 seems scary, but in reality, it should be nothing but exciting. There are plenty of things to do before you turn 30 that will help set you up for success, including the items on this list. As long as you approach your thirties with an open mind and a commitment to yourself, you’ll be cruising into the future with nothing but a positive attitude. 

For even more fun ideas for your bucket list, check out other experiences happening on Cozymeal. 

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