Food & Drink

How Many Cups in a Gallon? Complete Conversion Guide

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 | 0 Comments
How many cups in a gallon? A complete conversion guide for successful cooking and baking
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Determining how many cups are in a gallon isn’t difficult when you know basic kitchen conversions. While amounts can vary between liquid and dry ingredients, both are relatively easy to remember. Having this information top of mind can be the difference between a cooking accomplishment and a kitchen catastrophe.

Without Googling the answer, do you know how many cups are in a gallon? How about how many quarts are in a gallon? You may have learned these conversions somewhere along the line, but if you haven’t used them in a while, this helpful guide provides a quick refresher. Once you remember the simple math for how many cups in a gallon, your culinary work will be much easier.

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Imperial Gallon vs. Metric Gallon

Imperial measurement, the units used in the US, measures in ounces, cups and gallons, while metric measurement used in other parts of the world measures in milliliters and liters. In a simple conversion for liquid measurement, an imperial gallon is equal to 4.546 metric liters. 

Dry Gallon vs. Liquid Gallon

Imperial measurement also includes the concept of a dry gallon. An imperial gallon is equal to 18.6 US cups, or 4.40 metric liters.

How Many Cups in a Gallon?

In dry measurement, there are 18.62 cups in a gallon. In liquid measurement, there are 16 cups in a gallon.

How Many Cups in a Quart?

In dry measurement, there are 4.65 cups in a quart. In liquid measurement, there are four cups in a quart. 

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How Many Cups in a Pint?

In dry measurement, there are 2.325 cups in a pint. In liquid measurement, there are two cups in a pint. 

Other Need-To-Know Kitchen Conversions

Our Favorite Measuring Tools

Even knowing how many cups are in a gallon, you’ll need utensils to measure it all out. With a few helpful chef-recommended tools, you can rest easier knowing your conversion work is taken care of. Our favorites are:

These simple conversions can save you time in the kitchen when converting dry or liquid ingredients in your latest and greatest recipes. Once you determine how many cups are in a gallon and how many cups are in a pint, the rest is just a matter of seasoning. And anytime you need a reminder of how many cups are in a gallon, you can return to this simple guide for whatever you might have missed the first time around.   

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